10 Nations that Export the Greatest Coffee Worldwide

If there is ever a commodity that is always in demand, it would have to be coffee. In actuality, only oil is traded globally more than drinks. Every year, more than 30 million bags of coffee are exported. Moreover, more than 500 billion cups of coffee are consumed annually by the world’s population, which comprises between 30% and 40% of the total population.

Even though South America accounts for over 90% of the world’s coffee production, several other exporting nations are spread across the world. The top countries that export coffee are listed below (in no particular order, really).

1. Brazil

Brazil has been the major manufacturer of coffee in the world for over 150 years. Nearly 80% of the world’s coffee exports in the early 20th century came from Brazil. Currently, a third of the production of the rest of the globe is exported by the nation, this is almost 2,680,515 metric tons of coffee.

Arabica and Robusta beans may be grown successfully in Brazil thanks to the right amounts of sunlight and rainfall, as well as the low elevation and consistent year-round temperatures. Brazil is well ahead of other nations with more than 20,000 coffee farms spread across 10,000 square miles.

The coffee from Brazil is better suited for fantastic flavored coffees. The coffee of this nation is renowned for its mild acidity, creamy body, and delicate bittersweet, rich chocolate, and caramel aromas.

2. Vietnam

The second-largest producer of coffee in the world is Vietnam with 1,542,398 metric tons of coffee exports. Following rice, coffee is the second most popular export from the nation. Vietnam exports the majority of the Robusta variety of coffee, which makes up around 40% of the world’s total supply and places Vietnam in charge of a sizable portion of the world’s coffee supply.

Basalt soil is often used to cultivate coffee beans in the country’s temperate central highlands. Vietnamese Robusta coffee beans are popular among exporters due to their low acidity, bitterness, and mocha overtones.

3. Colombia

The majority of Arabic coffee exported worldwide comes from Columbia. Each year, the nation produces 11.5 million bags of coffee with 754,376 metric tons of coffee exports. Since the nation began commercializing coffee in 1830, its coffee beans have been regarded as the best in the world. In fact, in 2018, UNESCO designated Columbia’s “Coffee Cultural Landscape” as a World Heritage Site.

The coffee beans have deep nutty scents and a delicate fruity flavor since they are grown between 1500 and 2000 meters. Furthermore, Columbia coffees are renowned for being mild.

4. Indonesia

The coffee industry has become a key component of Indonesia’s economy. Over 20 different types of coffee are being grown and approximately 668,677 metric tons of coffee is exported by the nation.

Some of the most well-known coffee kinds in Indonesia are Bali, Flores, Sumatra, Java, Papua, and Sulawesi, which are typically named after the areas where the coffee is grown. The coffee from Indonesia is well known for having a robust woody body, earthy flavors, and a mildly acidic taste.

5. Honduras (475,042 metric tons)

Honduras’ weather is comparable to that of Brazil. Nonetheless, the nation didn’t become a major supplier of coffee until recently. The majority of the country’s coffee goods were eaten locally before becoming a major player in the industry.

The country’s coffee has since gained international fame. It is primarily farmed on small mountain farms called “Fincas” at elevations of between 3600 and 5249 feet. Depending on the flavor, Honduras coffee emits enticing fragrances of hazelnut, vanilla, or red fruit.

6. Ethiopia (471,247 metric tons)

Undeniably, Ethiopia is the top exporter of coffee in Africa with 471,247 metric tons of coffee exports. For Ethiopia, coffee is more than just a drink; it is ingrained in the culture of its people.

Ethiopia has been home to the Coffee Arabica as early as the 1600s in the trade. The nation’s nationalized coffee sector generates almost 10% of the government’s revenue and 1.1% of its GDP.

Ethiopia has a diversity of thousands of coffee beans. This brings a variety of flavors. Nevertheless, Shortberry, Mocha, and Longberry are the three most often farmed species. No matter the species, Ethiopian coffee carries the highest quality and delicious cups. Ethiopian coffee is distinctive for its floral aroma and potent tastes of wine, spice, and chocolate.

7. Peru

Another significant player in the coffee sector is Peru. Coffee has been grown in the nation’s north, central plateau, and southern regions since the 1700s. Like Honduras, Peru used to produce the majority of its coffee primarily for domestic use.

There are two main types of coffee from Peru, which are separated by plantations. Highland varieties, particularly those from the Andes, have a strong floral flavor. Lowland wines often have a medium body with nutty, floral, and fruity notes.

8. Uganda

Another chief coffee-exporting country is the African state of Uganda. The nation has a range of Arabica coffees but is most renowned for its Robusta. Native Ugandans plant coffee beans in the dense rain forests of Lira and Gulu in the north, Mbale and Bugisu in the east, Jinja, Mukono, Kampala, and Masaka in the center and southwest, and Kasese, the west Nile area, and Mbarara in the west.

Ugandan coffee beans offer a wine-like acidity and rich flavors of chocolate.

9. Mexico

Despite being a latecomer to the sector, Mexico’s coffee industry is now booming. Although Veracruz didn’t have coffee plants until the end of the 18th century, Mexico is today one of the world’s major producers of beverage.
In Mexico, the crop is grown in sixteen different states. Wet-processed Arabica coffee is primarily exported from Mexico. Most of the nation’s coffee is dark-roasted and used for mixing. Bourbon, Caturra, Maragogype, and Mundo Novo are among the varieties.

10. Guatemala

Guatemala, one of the world’s top coffee-producing nations, is situated to the east of Mexico and west of Honduras. In the 20th century, this nation was Central America’s top exporter of coffee (before being overtaken by Honduras). Coffee export has been a crucial component of the nation’s economy since the 19th century.

The regions of the nation where coffee is grown are those with a moderate subtropical climate. The body of Guatemalan coffees can be full or medium. The ones raised in the central highlands typically taste spicy or chocolaty and have a floral acidity. Because they were exposed to the Caribbean or Pacific Oceans, the ones from the mountainous regions are less acidic.


The most often exchanged agricultural product worldwide is coffee. It has been a roller-coaster ride for the coffee industry over these years. Let’s see how countries are managing their coffee production to get into the top lists.
Being the largest producer and exporter of coffee in Ethiopia, Kerchanshe Trading PLC holds a key role in enhancing the coffee statistics of the nation. Implementing the smartest technologies in harmony with the eco-friendly and traditional practices of coffee production, they are all set to turn the tide.