The Extinction Of Wild Arabica In Ethiopia As A Result Of Climate Change

Coffee is the third most consumed beverage in the world after water and tea, with over 2.25 billion cups consumed per day. Ethiopia is one of the biggest producers of Arabica coffee in the world. The country has been growing wild Arabica coffee for centuries, but climate change has made it difficult for these coffee plants to survive drought conditions.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons behind the extinction of wild Arabica in Ethiopia and what this means for the country’s economy.

Wild Arabica: A Native of Ethiopia

The extinction of wild Arabica would be a devastating blow not only to Ethiopia but also to the global coffee industry. According to a new study, climate change could cause the wild Arabica population in Ethiopia to decline by as much as 90% by the end of the century.

Arabica coffee is one of the most popular coffee beans in the world, and Ethiopia is its native home. Arabica coffee plants are very sensitive to changes in temperature and rainfall, and they require specific conditions to grow. Unfortunately, climate change is causing these conditions to become increasingly rare in Ethiopia.

As the climate changes, droughts and heat waves are becoming more common, seriously damaging Arabica coffee plants. In addition, increasing temperatures are causing disease and pests to spread, further threatening the plant’s survival.

Climate Change and the Future of Ethiopian Coffee

Since coffee is one of Ethiopia’s most important exports, climate change is the biggest threat to the Ethiopian economy. Rising temperatures and changes in rainfall patterns are already affecting coffee cultivation in Ethiopia, and further climate change is expected to make conditions even more difficult for farmers. As a result of these challenges, it is estimated that wild Arabica coffee could be extinct within the next 50 years.

Ethiopian coffee farmers are already feeling the effects of climate change. Rising temperatures have led to more pests and diseases, which have, in turn, reduced crop yields. Changes in rainfall patterns have also caused problems, with some areas experiencing severe droughts while others are facing increased flooding. These weather extremes make it difficult for farmers to predict what their crops will yield from one year to the next, making it hard to plan for the future.

The extinction of wild Arabica coffee would be a huge loss for Ethiopia – both economically and culturally. Coffee plays an important role in Ethiopian culture and society, and this crop’s failure would significantly impact the lives of many people in Ethiopia. It would also be a major blow to Ethiopia’s economy, as coffee exports currently account for around 10% of the country’s total export earnings.

What Is Being Done to Help?

The Ethiopian government has created a task force to address this issue, and they are working with international organizations and NGOs to try to save the wild Arabica coffee plant. They are also working on a replanting program that will help to restore some of the lost coffee forests. In addition, they are working to educate farmers on how to adapt their practices to a changing climate.

As one of the world’s largest coffee producers and exporters, Kerchanshe is committed to safeguarding the coffee plants that grow in its country. Buna Qela Charity Association, a non-profit organization we founded, has carried out several social development and coffee improvement projects. Buna Qela offers farmers with 5 million coffee seedlings to increase productivity. With these measures in place, Kerchanshe is working hard to ensure that its coffee plants are well-protected for years to come.